Geophysica Vol. 47, Nos. 1–2, 2011

5 articles


Paleomagnetism and paleointensity of the 1.1 Ga old diabase sheets from Central Arizona

Fabio Donadini, Lauri J. Pesonen, Kimmo Korhonen, Alex Deutsch and Stephen S. Harlan


Geomagnetic Activity at the Sodankylä Observatory, 1914-2010

Heikki Nevanlinna, Lasse Häkkinen and Tero Raita


A Gravity Model Study for Differentiating Vertical and Dipping Geological Contacts with Application to a Bouguer Gravity Anomaly over the Foumban Shear Zone, Cameroon

Constant Noutchogwe Tatchum, Charles Tabod Tabod, Fidele Koumetio and Eliezer Manguelle-Dicoum


Ice Phenomena on the Lower Vistula

Wojciech Majewski


The Effects of Basin Dimensions on the Seasonal Depth of Thermocline and Temperature of Hypolimnion in Small Lakes

Juhani Virta and Aija-Riitta Elo