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Fault Mechanisms of Finnish Earthquakes, Crustal Stresses and Faults
Ragnar Slunga and Tellervo Ahjos
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Remarks on the Magnitude Determination for Nurmijärvi, Kajaani and Kevo Seismograph Stations Based on the Rayleigh Waves
B. Guterch, W. A. Jankowska, K. Arhe and H. Korhonen
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Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Fields due to an Electojet Current System above a Layered Earth
Lasse Häkkinen and Risto Pirjola
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Homogeneity of Magnetic Variations around the Nurmijärvi Observatory
Jerzy Jankowski, Risto Pirjola and Tomasz Ernst
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Infiltration and Variation of Soil Moisture in a Sandy Aquifer
Risto Lemmelä and Sirkka Tattari
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Seasonal and Long-Term Variation of Groundwater Levels in Sandy Aquifers in Southern Finland
Risto Lemmelä and Esko Kuusisto
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The Date of Break-Up of Lake Ice as a Climatic Index
Kimmo Ruosteenoja
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Doppler Radar Observations of Horizontal Roll Vortices in Finland
Timo Puhakka and Pirkko Saarikivi
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Can We Calibrate Radar with Raingauges ?
Jarmo Koistinen and Timo Puhakka
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On the Contribution of Sea Ice Ridges into the Mass of Ice in the Gulf of Bothnia
Wlodzimierz P. Zakrzewski
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Spectral Studies of Time Series of the aa Index
Jari Mannermaa and Juhani Oksman
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Ionization Processes in the Lower Ionosphere during the Geomagnetic Storm on 16-17 December 1971
O. I. Shumilov, E. V. Vashenjuk, T. Turunen, H. Ranta and A. Ranta
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